How Snap Turned a Storm into a Chance to Grow

How Snap Turned a Storm into a Chance to Grow – Our Journey with ‘Trees for Life’

When Storm Ciaran hit, it left a trail of destruction that touched not only the landscape but our hearts as well. We knew we couldn’t just stand by. That’s when our journey with ‘Trees for Life’ began.

Our first step was to dive into their digital world. We looked at their existing ecosystem and realised we could make a big impact. So, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We crafted a customised, branded newsletter template, which transformed the way they communicated with their volunteers. The results were astounding – volunteer numbers soared from just one to over 200!

But we didn’t stop there. We gave their website a complete makeover, focusing on responsiveness and ease of use across different devices. Our goal was to make it as user-friendly as possible, ensuring that visitors could effortlessly navigate, learn, and most importantly, donate. The updated imagery and content breathed new life into the site, and the revamped blog page became a hub for the latest news and events. This wasn’t just a cosmetic upgrade; since these changes, the website has seen a notable surge in traffic and donations, which has been vital for the charity.

Yet, our support for ‘Trees for Life’ wasn’t confined to the digital realm. We got our hands dirty too – quite literally! Planting the season’s last trees was a fulfilling and fun experience. It wasn’t just about planting trees; it was about planting hope for future generations and creating a sanctuary for local wildlife. Plus it as a great team building exercise. 

Alex Morel, CEO of ‘Trees for Life’, captured the essence of our collaboration perfectly: “Snap’s involvement was a game-changer for us. Their digital expertise, coupled with their hands-on participation in tree planting, has been instrumental in our recovery efforts post-Storm Ciaran.”

For us, this project went beyond a client engagement. It was about being part of a larger cause – one that not only restores but also enriches our community and environment. Our journey with ‘Trees for Life’ reflects our commitment to not just digital excellence but also to making a real difference in the world.

 If you feel inspired by our story and want to support ‘Trees for Life’, do check out their website here. Whether you choose to volunteer, become a member, or donate, your support is treely appreciated. Together, we can grow stronger and greener.

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