Complete Social Media Image Sizes Guide 2024

Social Media Image Sizes

In today’s digital landscape, where eye-catching visuals dominate our social media feeds, the importance of crafting and sharing images that are perfectly sized for each platform cannot be overstated. Whether you’re a social media enthusiast, a business owner, or a content creator, understanding the intricacies of social media image sizes is key to ensuring your content appears polished, professional, and visually appealing. Join us on a journey through pixels and ratios as we delve into the world of optimal image dimensions for various social media platforms.

Use the links below to navigate to the necessary Channel:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Youtube
  • Facebook Image Sizes

    Facebook Image SizesFacebook Profile Picture size: 170 x 170 pixels

    Facebook Profile Picture Size
    Displayed on Desktop170 x 170 pixels
    Displayed on Mobile128 x 128 pixels

    Tip: To get the highest possible quality, upload a 1080 x 1080 image and adjust the slider underneath the image so that the dot is all the way to the left.

    Facebook Cover Image – 820 x 360

    Facebook Cover Image Size
    Recommended Size820 x 360 pixels
    Appearance on Desktop820 x 312 pixels
    Appearance on Mobile 640 x 360 pixels
    Minimum size400 x 150 pixels
    File FormatRGB, JPG or PNG file less than 100 KB

    Tip: To avoid parts of the content being cut off, ensure all content is within the safe zone (template below).

    Facebook cover mobile desktop size

    Facebook Image Post – 940 x 788

    Facebook image size
    Dimensions940px x 788px
    Max File Size8mb
    File TypesJPG, GIF or PNG

    Facebook Shared Link – 1,200 x 628

    Facebook shared link size
    Image Dimensions1,200 x 628 pixels
    Maximum File Size8mb
    File TypesJPG, GIF or PNG

    Facebook Event Image – 1920 x 1080

    Facebook event cover image size
    Image Dimensions1920 x 1080 (16:9 ratio)
    Minimum Size470 × 174
    File TypesJPG, GIF or PNG

    Images narrower than 1920 pixels will be enlarged to fit, images wider than 1920 pixels will be cropped on both sides. Images taller than 1080 pixels will be cropped from the top and bottom.

    Facebook Video Post – 1280 x 720 (minimum)

    Facebook video size
    Recommended video dimensions1280 x 720
    Minimum width600 pixels (length depends on aspect ratio)
    Landscape aspect ratio16:9
    Max file size4GB
    Recommended video formatsMP4 and MOV
    Video length max120 Minutes
    Video max frames30fps

    Facebook Stories – 1,080 x 1,920 pixels

    Facebook story image size
    Aspect Ratio9:16
    File TypesJPG, GIF, PNG or MP4

    Twitter Image Sizes

    Twitter Profile Picture – 400 x 400

    Twitter profile picture size
    Image Dimensions400 x 400 pixels
    Maximum file size2mb
    File TypesJPG or PNG

    Twitter Header – 1500 x 500

    Twitter cover image size
    Image Dimensions1,500 x 500 pixels
    Maximum file size5mb
    File TypesJPG, GIF or PNG

    Twitter In-stream photo – 1024 x 512

    Twitter instream image size
    Recommended Size1024 x 512
    Minimum size440 x 220 pixels
    Recommended aspect ratio16:9
    File typesGIF, JPG & PNG
    Maximum file size3 MB for photos, 5 MB for animated gifs

    Instagram Image Sizes

    Instagram Profile Picture – 320 x 320

    Instagram profile picture size
    Recommended Size320 x 320 pixels
    Minimum Size110 x 110
    File Types JPG or PNG

    Profile photos need to be 110 x 110 pixels at a minimum. They’re stored at 320 x 320 pixels so make sure to upload an image at least that big, to future-proof.

    Also, they are displayed as a circle. So make sure any elements you want to focus on in the photo are centered so they don’t get cropped out.

    Instagram Image Post – 1080 x 1080

    Instagram image size
    Portrait1080 x 1350 pixels
    Square1080 x 1080 pixels
    File TypesJPG or PNG
    Supported aspect ratiosAnywhere between 1.91:1 and 4:5


    • If you want your images to look their best on Instagram, aim to upload an image that is 1080 pixels wide.
    • Larger images will be sized down to 1080 pixels, and images less than 320 pixels will be sized up to 320 pixels wide.
    • If your image is between 320 and 1080 pixels wide, Instagram will keep that photo at its original resolution
    • If the aspect ratio of your photo isn’t supported, it will be cropped to fit a supported ratio.

    Instagram Video Post – Square – 1080px x 1080px, Portrait – 1080px x 1350px, Landscape – 1080px x 608px

    Instagram video size
    Recommended video resolution600 x 600 pixels (square) or 600 x 315 pixels (landscape)
    Aspect Ratios1:1 (square) or 1.9:1 (landscape)
    Minimum resolution600 x 600 pixels
    Maximum resolution1080 x 1080 pixels
    Minimum length3 seconds
    Maximum length60 seconds
    Maximum size4GB
    Frame rate30fps max
    File typemp4

    Instagram Stories – 1080 x 1920

    Instagram story image size
    Recommended resolution1080 x 1920
    Minimum resolution600 x 1067
    Aspect ratio9:16
    Max file size4GB

    Instagram Reels – 1080 x 1920 (9:16)

    IGTV video size
    Minimum resolution720p
    Minimum frame rate30 FPS (frames per second)
    Vertical aspect ratio9:16
    Maximum video length 15 minutes
    File formatMP4

    Tip: You can’t edit your cover photo after you’ve uploaded it, so make sure it’s perfect before you do.

    LinkedIn Image Sizes

    LinkedIn Profile picture – 400 x 400

    Linkedin profile picture size
    Recommended size400 x 400 pixels
    Minimum size 200 x 200 pixels
    Maximum file size10MB
    Image types include
    JPG, GIF or PNG

    LinkedIn Cover image – 1,128 x 191

    Linkedin cover image size
    Recommended size 1,128 x 191
    Maximum file size4MB
    Image types include PNG, JPG or GIF

    LinkedIn Video Post – 1440 x 1080 (Minimum)

    Linkedin video size
    Video Length3 secs to 30 min
    File size75 KB to 200 MB
    Resolution1080p (1440 x 1080; wide 1920 x 1080)
    File formatMP4
    OrientationLandscape, and square
    Aspect Ratio1:2.4 to 2.4:1

    LinkedIn Shared Image and Link – 1200 x 627

    Linkedin shared image size
    The recommended size for images or links1200 x 627 pixels
    Image types includePNG, JPG or GIF

    This size works for LinkedIn posts that share a photo or a link with an image to a blog post or article. If you’re only sharing a photo, you have a bit more room for the maximum size if you prefer.

    Youtube Image Sizes

    Youtube Profile Picture – 800 x 800 pixels

    Youtube profile picture image size
    Recommended size 800 x 800
    File TypesJPG or PNG

    They will allow you to choose different borders for your profile photo. However, the size is always the same. Make sure the focus of your photo is centred for the best results

    Youtube Channel Art (cover photo) – 2560 x 1440 pixels

    Youtube channel art image size
    Recommended size 2560 x 1440 pixels
    Minimum area for text and logos without being cut off1546 x 423 pixels
    Minimum dimension for upload2048 x 1152 pixels
    Maximum file size6MB

    Youtube Video size – 1280 x 720 pixels (HD)

    Youtube video size
    Minimum resolution1280 x 720 pixels (HD)
    File TypesMP4 & MOV

    They require videos to be 1280 x 720 pixels in order to meet HD standards. This is highly suggested in order to have good image quality on your video and also attract viewers.

    How can I resize my Social Media Images?

    There are a number of helpful tools you can use to resize your content so that you achieve the optimum social media Image sizes for all placements. These include:

    Photoshop (Paid Subscription)

    Illustrator (Paid Subscription)

    Canva (Free)

    Need help capturing, curating or publishing content for your Business? Get in touch today to see what we can do for you!

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