Why Blue Oceans Are Overrated and Red Oceans Might Be Your Sweet Spot

Why Blue Oceans Are Overrated and Red Oceans Might Be Your Sweet Spot

At Snap, we’ve seen business owners and agency founders chase the dream of finding a “blue ocean”—that elusive, unsaturated niche where competition is nonexistent and clients supposedly flock to you. The idea sounds perfect: a market all to yourself, where you’re the only player in the game. But the reality? It’s often a lot less glamorous.

The Myth of the Blue Ocean

Imagine diving into a blue ocean. The water’s clear, and there’s not another soul in sight. But instead of clients rushing towards you, you’re met with skepticism—or worse, silence. Why? Because you’re offering something so new or different that your prospects aren’t even sure they need it.

Think about the early days of social media agencies. They had to battle comments like:

  • “Why would we focus on social media?”
  • “Is it really worth the budget?”
  • “Can we pay you once we see some results?”

If you think those questions sound familiar, you’re right—they still echo in meeting rooms today, but back then, they were even louder. The challenge with a blue ocean is the uphill battle of educating the market and proving that your service is essential.

Why Red Oceans Aren’t So Scary

Now, let’s talk about red oceans — the markets that are already crowded with competitors. Most people shy away from these, thinking it’s madness to dive into such a space. But here’s the twist: crowded markets can actually be full of opportunities.

At Snap, we’d much rather help you stand out in a busy market than convince an entirely new market that they need your service in the first place. Why? Because if there’s competition, it means there’s demand. And if there’s demand, there’s room for you to differentiate yourself and grab your share of the market.

Different Beats Better

So, how do you stand out in a crowded market? The key isn’t necessarily being better because everyone claims to be the best, but being different.

Think about it: most credible businesses have testimonials, case studies, and passionate team members. But what truly sets you apart? It’s the unique, structural aspects of how you deliver your services or products. Here are some real differentiators:

  • Your Personal Brand: Do you have a strong online presence that reflects your expertise?
  • Your Experience: Have you worked extensively in a specific industry that others haven’t?
  • Your Story: What unique journey led you to where you are today?
  • Your Offer: Do you combine services in a way that others don’t, like offering training alongside done-for-you services?
  • Your Pricing Structure: Do you offer a guarantee or a results-based pricing model that de-risks the investment for your clients?

These are the kinds of differences that not only set you apart but also make you better by default.

Take Action: Stand Out and Succeed

If you’re serious about growing your business, here’s what you need to do: focus on what makes you different in ways that are hard to replicate. It’s not just about what you say, but how you structure and deliver your services.

Ask yourself and your team, “Where can we add value that no one else can?” The answers could be the key to transforming a good year into a phenomenal one.

At Snap, we believe that embracing red oceans with a strong, differentiated approach is the way to thrive.

Are you up for the challenge? Get in touch today and set sail in a red ocean marketplace.

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Why Blue Oceans Are Overrated and Red Oceans Might Be Your Sweet Spot
At Snap, we’ve seen business owners and agency founders chase the dream of finding a "blue ocean"—that elusive, unsaturated niche where competition is nonexistent and clients supposedly flock to you. The idea sounds perfect: a market all to yourself, where you’re the only player in the game. But the reality? It’s often a lot less glamorous.


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